The Runner & The Sea: An American Rebel in Cuba

The Runner & The Sea: An American Rebel in Cuba

A late-summer storm gathered in the distance. The brilliant hue of orange, purple and deep red clouds merged with nighttime blues as my flight, Miami to Havana, crossed the Florida Straits. Silence took hold, marking entry from known into that of an unknown. Only an hour prior I’d left the bright, digital billboards, city traffic lights and illuminating high-rises along Miami’s coast; a stark contrast to darkness now covering much of the island below.

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Tahiti Wonderland

Tahiti Wonderland

“Once in a blue moon,” so the saying goes. And under such a moon, the alarm on my phone chimes. It’s three am, early on Saturday morning. My eyes rapidly open, coffee brews and a hot shower wakes my aching muscles in a modern beachfront bungalow. My first full day on the French Polynesian island of Moorea begins with this ritual, the same before any long run. Bib pinned to my shorts, shoes laced tight and I’m out the door. Moments later, I stretch before the starting line of the Tahiti / Moorea Marathon. Little did I know what adventure these islands, just a quick overnight flight from Southern California, had in store.

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What's The Luxury of Adventure?

What's The Luxury of Adventure?

I write to you while on a journey heading deep into the base of Cooper Canyon, 20,000 square miles of jagged cliffs and gorges slicing through the remote Mexican landscape. Currently going on a restless two-hour-night’s sleep, I’m sandwiched between two other ultra-runners in a van filled with twelve. After 14 hours of driving, my tired body aches from doing nothing but bracing for the next speedbump on this half-paved gravel road. To most, I am nowhere near luxury, but we’d probably agree, this is the beginning of an adventure-

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The Danakil: Finding Inspiration

The Danakil: Finding Inspiration

In my experience, adventure leads to the desire for more. As we open ourselves up to new ideas, to uncertainty, to learning from others, new questions arise. Life seems more complete, yet simultaneously, I’m aware there is so much more to do, see, and experience.

Recently, I found myself in a cozy London hotel room. The floor to ceiling windows framed a typical English, October evening. Classic street lamps illuminated a gentle fog. Pedestrians bustled in their overcoats. The glow of the West End marquees flickered from around the corner. It was the perfect evening for a new idea to brew…

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Oh The Places We'll Go!

How did this midwestern eighteen year old risk-taker become a thirty something Angeleno content in mediocrity? Slightly over three years ago, on just another Tuesday afternoon, one thought stopped me in my tracks, “I’m bored.” This was not the passing thought of another mundane, humdrum day but the kind that demands action. These next steps would determine direction.

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